
Augustinian Spiritual Retreat For Men
For the first time in many years the Midwest Augustinian Province Office will be hosting a weekend retreat for laymen! Give yourself time to pray and reflect on God’s gifts this Fall as we invite you to a men’s spiritual retreat, at the Carmelite Spiritual Center in Darien, IL, Friday, October 21-23.

Welcome Mass for Bishop Daniel Turley, OSA
Saturday, April 24 at 10:30am Central
St. Rita Shrine Chapel, Chicago, IL
Light Reception to follow
Registration is necessary to attend. Livestream will also be linked through our website homepage.

May Novena Mass Live Stream
Please visit to stream the May Novena Mass as well as make an offering to the Shrine Chapel, light a candle or submit special prayer requests.

Ordination of Br. Jack Tierney, O.S.A. to the Order of Presbyters
The Prior Provincial, Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. invites you to attend a Eucharistic Liturgy with the Rite of Ordination of our brother, Jack Tierney, O.S.A., who will be received into the Order of Presbyters.

April Novena Mass at St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel
We invite everyone to please join us for a special live stream of the April Novena Mass.
A Program of Christmas Music at St. Rita Shrine Chapel
Do you sometimes feel that our society has become much too secularized at this holy time of year? If so, please join us in a very special program to help restore the true Reason for the Season.
“Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”
~~A program of Scripture and sacred music in preparation
for the Coming of Christ at Christmas~~
St. Rita Shrine Chapel
7740 S. Western Avenue – Chicago
Sunday, December 15th – 3:00 P.M.
Free and Open to the Public
Directed by Brother Paul Koscielniak, O.S.A., together with planning committee, area singers, and musicians.
(The program will last approximately an hour and a half.)
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Feasts of Saint Augustine and Saint Monica
Very Reverend Anthony B. Pizzo, OSA invites you to the Province Celebration of the Feasts of Saint Augustine and Saint Monica.

Br. Jack Tierney, Solemn Profession of Vows
Please join us on December 16 for the Solemn Profession of Br. Jack Tierney, O.S.A.

Fiesta Mexicana at St Rita Parish
The Community of St. Rita Parish in Chicago would like to invite you and your community to celebrate the Fiesta Mexicana on September 8th and 9th.

Reception Honoring the Augustinians of Tulsa
Scianna Performing Arts Center, Cascia Hall

Feast of Ss. Augustine & Monica
Prior Provincial Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, OSA, PhD, and the Augustinian Community of St. Jude Parish Invite You to Celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Augustine and Saint Monica.
LIVE BROADCAST: 6 Augustinians Profess Vows in San Diego
On Saturday August 5, the YouTube channel for Augustinian Vocations will be broadcasting LIVE as 7 Augustinians profess vows at Founder's Chapel in San Diego, CA

Priesthood Ordination of Br. Stephen Isley, OSA
We are blessed to be able to invite you to the Priesthood Ordination of Br. Stephen Isley, OSA.
Feast Day Mass of Saint Rita of Cascia
Come celebrate the Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes! We will be celebrating by completing our novena at the St. Rita Shrine Chapel at St. Rita High School in Chicago. Morning Mass begins at 10:00 AM, evening Mass will 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation is available 30 minutes before each Mass. Everyone is invited to celebrate this iconic saint of the Augustinian Order!
Click here to view photos from the St. Rita Feast Day of 2016.

Solemn Novena to Saint Rita of Cascia
The Augustinians invite you to attend the 110th Annual Solemn Novena to Saint Rita, at the Saint Rita Shrine Chapel, Chicago

Lenten Retreat with Fr. Tom McCarthy
Save the dates of March 6, 7, 8, 2017 for our Lenten Retreat with Father Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. as he speaks about “Treasures of our Faith: The Seven Sacraments.” Each night of the retreat will be preceded by a simple meal of soup and bread at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Retreat in the Cathedral at 7:00 p.m.

Ordinations to the Diaconate 2017: Brothers Stephen Isley OSA and Aldo Potencio OSA
Join us in celebrating the ordinations to the diaconate of Brothers Stephen Isley, O.S.A.; and Aldo Potencio, O.S.A.! Reception to follow.

Vocations and the Spiritual Journey
Vocations Director, Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., and the men in Augustinian formation studies, invite you to hear some of their vocation stories and spiritual journeys, and perhaps, hear echoes of your own journey.

CANCELED: "Grateful for the Past, Hopeful for the Future" Hosted at Providence Catholic High School
Please join Fr. Bernie and some of his fellow Augustinians and young men in formation as he reviews the progress of the last few years for our Augustinian priorities and ministries; we will also share with you our ideas for the next few years. Please come and listen, engage with us as friends, and share your ideas and questions.

"Grateful for the Past, Hopeful for the Future" Hosted at Jedi's Restaurant
Please join Fr. Bernie and some of his fellow Augustinians and young men in formation as he reviews the progress of the last few years for our Augustinian priorities and ministries; we will also share with you our ideas for the next few years. Please come and listen, engage with us as friends, and share your ideas and questions.