For the first time in many years the Midwest Augustinian Province Office will be hosting a weekend retreat for laymen! Give yourself time to pray and reflect on God’s gifts this Fall as we invite you to a men’s spiritual retreat, at the Carmelite Spiritual Center in Darien, IL, Friday, October 21-23.
Retreat Leaders: Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A., Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., & Fr. Tom McCarthy
Suggested Donation: $250 (assistance available)
For more information and registration, please contact Michael Gerrity at or (312) 241-9696.
Retreat Schedule:
Arrival and Welcome by Prior Provincial Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A.
Session 1: “The Search for Truth:” with Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A. followed by small group discussion with question prompts
Social with refreshments
Morning Mass celebrated by Fr. John Merkelis O.S.A.
Session 2 led by Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A. with small group discussion
Free time for personal prayer, visits to the Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux, and conversation.
Communal Rosary
Panel Presentation: Several of our young priests will share their journeys and insights about following the example of St. Augustine. These are the young men whom our benefactors have directly supported in the last ten years.
Reconciliation Service: Led by Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Social with refreshments
Closing Session led by Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Closing Mass celebrated by Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A.