Fr. Jim Halstead, O.S.A., Discusses the Catholic Church's Teaching on Marriage

Here’s the thing that I’ve learned in my 39 years of doing marriages, as well as teaching [at DePaul University], the American post-Enlightenment contractual idea of marriage - that is, marriage is what we decide it is - an incredibly powerful idea that haunts the minds of American Catholics.
— -Fr. Jim Halstead, O.S.A.

Fr. Halstead was interviewed for Religion and Ethics Newsweekly in September, 2015.  The full interview compiled interviews with others by PBS to answer the question "Will the Catholic Church under Pope Francis be open to reform on marriage and divorce?"

Click here to watch the extended video of the interview with Fr. Jim Halstead, O.S.A., on the PBS website.


Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy has been working with the Augustinians in fundraising and communications since 2010. He began working with the Augustinian Vocations office in 2015. He also holds a Master of Science in Nonprofit Management.