First Profession of Vows 2014

 In August, 2014, Brothers Nick Mullarkey, Colin Nardone, and Joe Siegel all professed their first vows as Augustinians. Their professions were held at the chapel of Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania, and St. Rita Shrine Chapel in Chicago. Homily excerpts from the Very Rev. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, and the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. 


Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy has been working with the Augustinians in fundraising and communications since 2010. He began working with the Augustinian Vocations office in 2015. He also holds a Master of Science in Nonprofit Management.