Gala Tribute Videos Online!

On April 25, 2014, the Augustinians of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel honored three Augustinian priests as their honorees at their second gala:  Fathers David L. Brecht, O.S.A., Ph.D., Bill Sullivan, O.S.A., and the late Father Jack Gavin, O.S.A.  Each honoree received their own tribute book and tribute video that night.  We are happy to share each of the honoree tribute videos online now!

Click here to watch each of the honorees' tribute videos!

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the many major sponsors, table sponsors, and program book advertisers for their support of our second Augustinian Gala.  The evening would not have been a success without your support!


Major Sponsors

Major Sponsor

Dr. & Mrs. Fred Neal in Honor of Fathers Tim Cuny, O.S.A., and David Brecht, O.S.A., Ph.D.

Reception Co-Sponsors

Blake & Kathleen Hastings, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Greg & Wendy Jania, Stamford Connecticut

Music Sponsor


Table Sponsors

St. Augustine Tables

Mr. & Dr. Anthony J. Lauinger
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Ormsby of Bimba Manufacturing
Mrs. Milann H. Siegfried
St. Jude Parish, New Lenox, IL in Honor of Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.

St. Rita of Cascia Tables

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Coughlin III and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sullivan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John George
Little Company of Mary Sisters 
Saint Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel, Chicago, IL
The Dr. Earl A. Sargent Family

St. Monica Tables

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Hacker
The Family of the Rev. Michael J. O'Connor, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Ross

Honorary/Memorial Tables

Augustinian Community of Providence Catholic High School, New Lenox, IL in Honor of Fr. Raymond Ryan, O.S.A.
The Berschback Table in Honor of Fr. David L. Brecht, O.S.A.
The Brecht Family Table in Honor of Fr. David L. Brecht, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James Kennedy in Honor of Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Klasing
Kurtz Memorial Chapel in Memory of Joey Kurtz, Jay Vana, and Grace Senffner
Ms. Rachel Rone and Mr. Robert Topor in Honor of Fathers Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., and Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Table in Honor of Prior Provincial Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A.

Program Book Sponsors & Advertisers

American Combustion Service, Inc.
Augustinian Seminary Alumni Community in Honor of Father Henry Maibusch, O.S.A.
Augustinian Seminary Alumni Community in Honor of Fathers Jack Gavin, O.S.A., David Brecht, O.S.A., and Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.
Austin Catholic High School, Ray, MI
Brennan, Joe
Brecht, O.S.A., The Family of the Rev. David L.
Buck Services Incorporated
Burns Photography, New Lenox, IL
C.B. Distribution, Park Ridge, IL
Cahill, Michael and the Crosetto, Fisher, and Sullivan Families
The Carroll Family
Cascia Hall Preparatory School, Tulsa, OK
Catholic Theological Union (CTU), Chicago, IL
Corrigan, Jim
Gavlick, Stanley
Great Lakes Advisors, Chicago, IL
The Kennedy Family
Knights of Columbus Council #10926
L.L. Andreatta & Associates, Hazel Crest, IL
Little Company of Mary Sisters
The McCone Family
The Napoleon Hill Foundation
O’Connor, O.S.A., The Family of the Rev. Michael J
Old Second Bank
Our Lady of the Woods Parish, Orland Park, IL
Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish, Homer Glen, IL
Palermo’s of 63rd Street
Paul Borg Construction Company, Chicago, IL
Providence Catholic High School, New Lenox, IL
The Province of Saint Augustine in California
The Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova
Saint Christina Parish, Chicago, IL
Saint Clare of Montefalco Parish, Chicago, IL
Saint Jude Parish, New Lenox, IL
Saint Mary Magdalene Parish, Joliet, IL
Saint Mary Nativity Church and Holy Cross Church, Joliet, IL
Saint Rita of Cascia Parish, Racine, WI
Sampson, Jim
Scianna, Michael and Jean
Selden Fox, LTD., Oak Brook, IL
Sisters of Saint Casimir
Small, Bill and Bonnie
Southwest Town Mechanical, Orland Park, IL
Storino, Ramello & Durkin, Rosemont, IL
The Tolentine Friends of the Augustinian Order
UBS Financial Services, St. Louis, MO
Villanova College, King City, ON