A reflection on Labor Day 2020 from the U.S.Bishop’s Conference
/A reflection on Labor Day 2020 from the U.S.Bishop’s Conference:
As we mark Labor Day this year, let us pray and work together for healing in our communities. Read the 2020 Labor Day Statement (en Español) from Archbishop Coakley, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.
“God knows the challenges we face and the loss and grief we feel. The question to us is this: will we pray for and willingly participate in God’s work healing the hurt, loss, and injustice that this pandemic has caused and exposed? Will we offer all we can to the Lord to ‘make all things new?’”
- Archbishop Coakley, Labor Day Statement 2020, September 7th, 2020
In case you missed it, use our new reflection guide (en Español) at home or share with your faith community. Together, let us pray for the “grace to participate in God’s work in healing what is so deeply wounded in our society” (Labor Day Statement 2020).
Additional resources to help your community support workers and strive for just workplaces:
Prayer for Dignity and Rights of Workers.
Scriptural foundations and Church teaching on the dignity of work.
CST 101 Video and discussion guide: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers (vidéo y guía de discusión en espanol)