Advent Prayer Service with the Augustinians
/Celebrating Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis preached, “Advent is the season for remembering that closeness of God who came down to dwell in our midst.” The Scriptures of the liturgy during Advent summon us to ‘remember the closeness of God.’ He made himself known in unique ways to different men and women throughout the stories of the Old Testament and, in the fullness of time, he sent his Son, born of a woman (Gal 4:4). In an age when reading the signs of the times in the light of faith is ever so significant, we, Augustinians, are called to a sincere remembrance of the closeness of God. Prayerful reflection of God’s self-revelation to the people he prepared to receive his only begotten Son is a powerful means of deepening our faith in this God who is closer to us than we are to ourselves.
To this end, the Midwest Augustinians joined together, through virtual means, to celebrate an Advent Prayer Service. The prayer service follows the Advent Stations, which take us on a tour of the Old Testament. Like the traditional Lenten Stations of the Cross, these seven Advent "stations" or "stopping points" provide a way to ponder the mystery of how God prepared the world to receive his Son at the moment of the Annunciation. Each station contains an Old Testament reading foreshadowing of the incarnation, a meditation song, a New Testament reading or a reading from Our Holy Father, Saint Augustine about the fulfillment of the Incarnation in Christ, and then a prayer. We extend an invitation for you to join us in this prayer service as we prepare for the upcoming season of Christmas.