October News Brief From the Province
/October was an eventful month for our Province!
On October 16, the Midwest Province is participating in the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 40-Day Campaign called 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting. The campaign is to support immigrant children and families.
In addition to participating in this campaign, the friars have committed to a day or two of fasting during this period.
On October 21, the Midwest Augustinians gathered for a day of continuing education by Praesidium Inc., focusing on the standards of care and protection for minors and vulnerable adults.
Fr. Tony attended the Conference of Major Superiors (CMSM) conference and summarized the Praesidium accreditation process. The Midwest Province is in full compliance and moving forward to ensure that the Province continues to follow the guidelines to retain accreditation.
The Federation of Augustinians of North America (FANA) met during the last week of October. The meetings began in Villanova and ended in Chicago. Prior Provincial of the California Province, Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A. was elected as President of FANA.
On October 25 through October 27, five men attended the Come and See Discernment Weekend in Ocean City, NJ; three of which were from the Midwest Province.
On October 27, Fr. Homero Sanchez, O.S.A. was installed as the pastor of St. Rita of Cascia Parish in Chicago. His Mass was celebrated and presided over by Bishop Andrew P. Wypych and Prior Provincial Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A.
October 29 was the dedication and blessing of the new novitiate house at Villanova. The house was generously donated by the Colleran family.
Frs. Jim Halstead, O.S.A. and Tony Pizzo, O.S.A. along with Chuck Engvall met with the new corporate owners of St. Anthony Village in Crown Point, IN. The meeting was productive and a positive one. The new owners appreciated and saw value in the Catholic identity and decided that it will remain. The Midwest Augustinians will be remaining as well.
The Provincial Team attended the AFOI meeting and hosted two Augustinian brothers from the Cebu Province in the Philippines at Marylake in Canada. They are exploring a collaborative partnership for the ministries at Marylake.
Fr. Jim Halstead, O.S.A. is now chairperson of Academic Affairs at the Catholic Theological Union.
On November 7, Fr. Tony presented the new president of St. Rita of Cascia High School at the Presidents’ Dinner. Dr. James Quaid has previously served in leadership roles at Fenwick High School, DePaul College Prep and Marmion Academy and his career spans over almost four decades.
On November 10, St. Rita of Cascia High School will be holding their second Open House for prospective students and their families.
On November 16, an event will be held in honor of the Midwest Province at the Polo Grill in Tulsa, OK. 100% of proceeds raised is to fund the Formation and Vocations Outreach Program. For more information, please click on the link or contact the Province Office directly.
On November 20, the Midwest Province will be observing Universal Children’s Day. Established by the United Nations in 1954, it’s celebrated to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare.
On December 14, Sarfraz Alam, O.S.A. and Adnan Ghani, O.S.A. will be ordained at 10:30am at St. Patrick’s Church in San Diego, CA.
On December 21, Daniel Madden, O.S.A. and Elizandro Contreras, O.S.A. will profess Solemn Vows at Villanova.
Augustinian News from the Parishes
Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish (OMGC) will be having the their Annual Memorial Mass on November 10 at 5:00pm. This Mass will be said in memory of all those who have passed away.
OMGC welcomes welcomes Br. Dan Madden, OSA as he will be conducting an appeal on behalf of the Midwest Augustinians for our missions in Peru. The appeal will take place during the Masses on November 9 and November 10 at the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses.
Volunteers are needed for the BEDS Plus Overnight Shelter Program for Women and Children at St. Luke Orthodox Church in Palos Hills on Monday nights from 6:00pm until 7:00am.
OMGC wants to thank everyone who volunteered and donated to the Lockport Food Pantry. There were approximately 53 bags of food dropped off!
St. Bernard Parish will be hosting their 13th Annual Capital Improvement Fund Raffle. Grand prize is $25,000 and only 1,000 tickets will be sold. All proceeds will go towards the Parish Improvement Fund. The drawing will take place on November 9 after the 4:30pm Mass. The Winner(s) do not have to be present. For tickets, please call Mike Fricilone at (708) 301-1030, Don Guinta at (708) 675-9070, or call the parish rectory at (708) 301-3020.
St. Bernard Parish welcomed 16 of their parishioners to serve as Eucharistic Ministers.
St. Jude Parish is looking for volunteers (16 and older) to move boxes of food from trucks to the pantry on Sunday, November 10 at 2:30pm. Also, volunteers are needed from Monday, November 11 through Friday, November 15 any time between 9:00am and noon to help sort and date food. Some lifting is required. No children please.
The Council of Catholic Women will be hosting a blood drive on November 14 from 3:00pm until 7:00pm.
On Sunday, October 6, St. Jude parishioners brought their pets to the St. Francis of Assisi Pet Blessing.
On Sundays October 20 and October 27, St. Jude hosted Rosary Refreshers after the 6:30pm Masses to encourage families, teenagers, and adults to learn how to pray the rosary.
Volunteers are needed to cook and serve breakfast and dinner at the Daybreak Shelter in Joliet. St. Jude parishioners volunteer once a month (between September and May) at the shelter. Please call Patty Gray at (815) 545-4809 for more information or if you are interested in volunteering.
On Saturday, November 9, St. Turibius Parish will be celebrating their Annual Attitude of Gratitude Dinner Dance at the Mayfield Banquet Hall starting at 6:00pm. This dance is a moment for our Parish community to come together and give thanks to God for all of the Blessings they have received. It is also a time for parishioners to gathers as a faith community in fellowship and celebrate the Parish Mission: We Share Christ's Light and our Faith is deepen as we celebrate the diversity of our Community.
On the third Tuesday and Wednesday of each month St. Turibius has their monthly faith formation sessions for their religious education parents. On these days, the OSA Community also teaches the classes for the First Communion and Confirmation Students.
St. Turibius’ Thanksgiving Celebration we be at 9:00 am with a tri-lingual Mass. Please contact the parish rectory for more information.