Join the Campaign: 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
/40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Join the Campaign and Support Immigrant Children and Families
Recent treatment of immigrant children, separated from their families and held by the U. S. government in detention centers, is cause for deep concern. As Catholics, we recognize governments' right to control their borders. But we also understand that this right must be balanced with the right of immigrants to humane treatment.
You are invited to join with Catholics and other persons of faith during the 40 days beginning October 16, 2019 and ending November 24, 2019 to PRAY and FAST for justice in the treatment the estimated 15,000* children being kept in detention and policies supporting family unity.
Here's how:
Select one day between October 16, 2019 and November 24, 2019. (Optional: Click here to register your chosen day.)
On your chosen day, take time to pray for just and humane treatment of immigrant children and their families. Any form of prayer is acceptable. Click here for a sample prayer.
Fast in some way in solidarity with the detained immigrant children. Fasting is voluntarily going without food in order to focus on God. Your fasting can be total (no food at any time) or partial (skipping a meal, not eating between meals, one full meal with two light meals, etc.).
NOTE: Although the Archdiocese of Chicago is a sponsor of the "40 Days of Prayer and Fasting" campaign, participation is open to all persons in all locations.
* New York Times, Dec. 18, 2018
They're All Our Children
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A note from the Province Commission on Justice and Peace:
In addition to participation by individual Augustinian friars and Augustinian communities, the Province Commission on Justice and Peace encourages all Augustinian parishes and schools to promote observance of the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting by members of their parish and/or school families.
St. Rita Parish, Chicago, has chosen November 20, 2019 as a day to invite all parishioners to fast and pray for the immigrant children. You may wish to select a particular date for a Day of Prayer and Fasting in your parish or school.
November 20 is the date on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the more detailed Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The Convention is the most rapidly and widely ratified international human rights treaty in history.
The Commission hopes that the attached documents will be helpful to you.
Those with "elec" in the file name are suitable for electronic formats such as e-mail, web sites and Facebook.
Those with "print" in the file name are suitable for printed formats such as newsletters and parish bulletins.
Those without either "elec" or "print" in the file name are suitable for both electronic and print formats.
Thank you in advance for taking part in the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting.
-- Midwest Province Commission on Justice and Peace