Fr. Richie Mercado Named New Vocations Director for Midwest Province
/Dear Friends of the Augustinians,
I am happy to announce that Fr. Richie Mercado, O.S.A. has been appointed the new Vocation Director for the Midwest and Canadian Provinces effective July 1, 2017. He has served as the Assistant Director for the past two years. He also currently serves on the Order's International Commission for Vocations. He will visit all of our parishes and schools to promote vocations and will answer all contacts made by inquirers. While Fr. Richie will remain at St. Rita Monastery and serve as the Chaplain of St. Rita High School, the Vocation Office will be at Villanova University and will be shared by the Villanova Province where Fr. Joe Narog, O.S.A. will serve as the Director for the Villanova Vocations. We will also continue to share the Secretary of the Office, Mrs. Bernadette, DiLucido (pictured above with Fr. Richie), and the Website Director Dr. Sean Reynolds in the Midwest Office. We will also continue to do Discernment Retreats together.
I am grateful for the work of Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. who has served as the Director for Midwest/Canadian Provinces for 9 years and for the Villanova Province for 5 years. He will assist Fr. Richie and Fr. Joe in the transition and will serve as an advisor to Fr. Richie to help assure that we continue to be successful in promoting a Culture of Vocations and attracting candidates to our Order.
Thank You Fr. Tom, and Congratulations Fr. Richie on your new appointment!
Sincerely in Christ and St. Augustine,
Fr. Bernie
Very Reverend Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Prior Provincial of the Augustinians of Chicago, Canada, and Chulucanas, Peru