Augustinians Welcome New Director of Finance
/The Augustinians are pleased to welcome Robert O. Carroll, Jr., as the new Director of Finance for the Midwest Augustinians. Robert graduated from Illinois State University in 1980 with a degree in accounting, passed the CPA exam in 1982, and graduated from the John Marshall Law School in Chicago in 1984. He was ordained a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Chicago by the late Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
"My association with the Augustinians began in the mid-1990s when Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., became a weekend associate at our parish," says Bob. "We immediately took to Father Tom's easygoing, friendly manner ... when (my son) Bobby was considering high school in the fall of 8th grade, his first and only choice was St. Rita High School where Fr. Tom was the President."
Members of the Carroll Family with Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Bob began working with the Augustinians when he retired from the Cook County State Attorney's Office in July 2015. "It seemed like a natural fit because Bobby graduated from St. Rita and recently graduated from Villanova University in the pre-novitiate program with the Augustinians," he explained. "Last month, Bobby started his novitiate year in Racine, Wisconsin, as he pursues the priesthood in the Order of Saint Augustine." His other son, Joseph, started at St. Rita High School in the fall of 2015.
The timing was right because on July 1, 2015, Brother Mark Emken, O.S.A., retired as Director of Finance for the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel after several years of outstanding, dedicated service to the Province in this role. Bob has been learning the ropes of the Augustinian Finance Office alongside Brother Emken and Sr. Mary Ann Hamer, O.S.F., the Assistant Treasurer.
Bob thanks many for this new opportunity to serve the Augustinian Order in the Catholic Church: Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., Prior Provincial; Fr. Richard McGrath, O.S.A., Province Treasurer; the Provincial Council; Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.; Chuck Engvall, C.P.A., Augustinian Affiliate and Finance Commission Member; Mary Beth Carroll; Sr. Mary Ann Hamer, O.S.F.; and Brother Mark Emken, O.S.A. "The first few months have been terrific, the entire staff has been very welcoming, and I look forward to going to work every day to work with such great people," he says. "Thank you for allowing me to be part of the family!"
More from Bob Carroll
Deacon Bob Carroll with his son Bobby at St. Rita High School
“In 1992, when I was 34, my oldest son Bobby was born shortly after my mother died, and I was a first time homeowner. I was working at the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office having begun there in 1985 when former Mayor Richard M. Daley was the State’s Attorney of Cook County, Illinois. My wife Mary and I were new parishioners at St. John Fisher Parish in West Beverly on the Southwest side of Chicago. After my father’s sudden death in 1994, my Catholic faith began to take root in our new parish. The wonderful priests; deacons; school principal, Sr. Jean McGrath; and especially the pastor, Father Tom Purtell, helped me to appreciate anew our rich Catholic Tradition.
Father Purtell then asked me to consider becoming a deacon. In the fall of 1999, Mary and I started in the diaconate program for the Archdiocese of Chicago. The experience was very rewarding, and in May, 2003, I was ordained as a permanent deacon at Holy Name Cathedral by Cardinal Francis George. Our family was so richly blessed, having started in 1999 with one boy and one girl, and two months after ordination we had 2 boys and 2 girls. Joseph was born in September, 2000. Mary was born in July, 2003.”