Peruvians in Formation for Augustinian Missions
/2015 Augustinian Vocations Retreat in Trujillo, Peru
Religious formation is a delicate job. Working with each specific person, each young man has his own vocation and spiritual journey. Preparing and forming young men to become Augustinian priests and brothers is not easy. It requires much time devoted to listen and to discern.
Throughout formation, each young man grows in a variety of different aspects with the passing of each year: spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, as a member of a community, and in a pastoral capacity, as well. Little by little, he can embrace his vocation. He seeks transformative and intimate encounters with the Lord. He comes to know, and is attracted to, the charism of the Order (community life).
The Formation of Candidates
Brother Martin Arraiza, O.S.A. (right), professed his solemn vows as an Augustinian in May 2015
The Augustinian Missions of Peru are mostly located in isolated regions of the country; they are made inaccessible by the difficulties of communication, language, or climate. They are the "Option for the Neediest."
The Augustinian formation house in Trujillo is therefore called to form Augustinians with a missionary spirit for both Peru and the world. It is a huge undertaking, but it is nonetheless an undertaking done with great enthusiasm.
To date, the communal spirit from young Peruvian men across the country has been quite positive. The pre-novices and men in simple vows, many of who all come from a variety of different backgrounds, receive many benefits of their shared life in common. The Augustinians serving in Peru believe that this sharing of things in common offers a great hope for the future of the Augustinian Order in Peru. The general opinion of the formation communities is that the formation program in Peru is very valuable, and must continue.
2015: 30 Peruvian Augustinians in Formation
The Augustinians began serving in Northern Peru at the request of St. John XXIII in 1963. The Augustinians have since been instrumental in:
- Establishing the Diocese of Chulucanas, Peru;
- Founding the Augustinian Vicariate of Northern Peru;
- Ordaining 2 dozen native Peruvian Augustinians to the priesthood;
- Developing hospitals, food pantries, pharmacies, schools; and,
- Promoting justice and peace activities in each parish.
Supporting service in the Augustinian missions of Peru and the Diocese of Chulucanas costs $300,000 a year. The funding comes from donors across the United States and Canada. Please consider a gift to the Augustinian missions of Peru today.