Prior General Convokes November 16 as Augustinian Day of Prayer for Refugees
/Fr. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A., the worldwide leader of Augustinians, reads his letter convoking November 16 as the Augustinian Day of Prayer for Refugees
In his September 16, 2015 letter to the friars and sisters of the entire Augustinian Order, Prior General Alejandro Moral, O.S.A., included this convocation of a world-wide Augustinian Day of Prayer:
“I convoke a day in the whole Order to pray for refugees, for persecuted Christians and for victims of war. This will take place on 16 November, 2015, the International Day for Tolerance, and in a way that includes laity.””
In addition, the Prior General asked each community to discuss the topic of refugees in community meetings andto work with Church organizations to assist refugees and other displaced persons. He invited circumscriptions and communities to provide economic aid by contributing to a special fund to be established in the Augustinian General Curia.
The Prior General observed that “(t)he first step is to seek the interior transformation that permits us ‘to hear’ humanity in need, the poor and the excluded.”
Father Moral indicated that the Institute of Augustinian Spirituality would send instructions and materials to facilitate this Day of Prayer.
To refresh your memory, you can click here to read the entire letter.