Photos from the Feasts of Sts. Monica and Augustine at St. Jude Church, New Lenox
/On Thursday, August 27, 2014, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, celebrated the Feasts of St. Augustine and St. Monica at St. Jude Catholic Church in New Lenox, Illinois (Diocese of Joliet). The Augustinians also recognized their jubilarians, including: Fr. John Gaffney, O.S.A. (75 years of Augustinian vows, not present); Fr. John Kret, O.S.A. (60 years of Augustinian vows); Fr. Jim Sheridan, O.S.A. (60 years of Augustinian vows); Brother John Patrick Currier, O.S.A. (50 years of Augustinian vows); Fr. Henry Maibusch, O.S.A. (60 years of priesthood); and Fr. John Ohner, O.S.A. (40 years of priesthood).