Top 10 Augustinian E-news of 2014
/In August, 2014, Brothers Nick Mullarkey, Colin Nardone, and Joe Siegel all professed their first vows as Augustinians. Their professions were held at St. Thomas of Villanova Parish, Rosemont, Pennsylvania, and St. Rita Shrine Chapel in Chicago. Homily excerpts from the Very Rev. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova, and the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. Watch this popular video here.
9. Brothers Nick Mullarkey, O.S.A., and Joe Siegel, O.S.A., Profess First Vows
On August 10, 2014, Brothers Nick Mullarkey, O.S.A., and Joe Siegel, O.S.A., professed their first vows in the Augustinian Order. The solemn evening prayer, celebrated by the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial, took place at the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago. Brothers Mullarkey and Siegel professed their vows after completing one year in the Augustinian Novitiate in Racine, Wisconsin. Click here to see the photo gallery from the event, and to read their own personal reflections on their spiritual journeys.
8. Fr. Robert Prevost, O.S.A., Named Vicar Provincial
Prior to being named the Fourth Bishop of Chiclayo, Bishop Prevost had been named the Vicar Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians in June, 2014. He was named to this position during the Province Chapter of 2014, when Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., began his second term as Prior Provincial, seen above with members of the Provincial Council. Father John Merkelis, O.S.A., has since taken the position of Vicar Provinical, but we are very grateful for Bishop Prevost's service during the time when he served as our Vicar Provincial, among his many other responsibilities.
7. Fr. John Flaherty, O.S.A., Enters Eternal Life
Father Flaherty is remembered as a kind a compassionate “people person.” He loved talking and ministering to people. Even when he required care in the skilled nursing facility at Franciscan Village and St. Anthony Home, he delighted in visiting with other patients, especially those who seldom had visits from family or friends. He often referred to himself as the “pastor of my floor.” Read more about the life of Father Flaherty here.
6. Pope Francis Names New Augustinian Bishop
In July, 2014, Pope Francis Today, announced that Manuel Ochogavía Barahona, O.S.A., of the Augustinian Matritense Province of Spain and of the Augustinian Vicariate of Panama, has been named by Pope Francis as Bishop of Colón – Kuna Yala, Panama. Click here to read more about the life and ministry of this newly ordained Augustinian bishop in Central America!
5. Interview with Milann Siegfried
Milann Siegfried, an Augustinian Affiliate from the Cascia Hall Community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, shares her thoughts in this interview about why she decided to chair the Continuing Our Journey of Faith campaign for the Augustinians. This first interview in our series of interviews revolving around the campaign also talks about how the Order has impacted her life, and how she hopes the Order will continue to impact lives for generations to come. Click here to listen to Milann's interview.
4. Fr. Jack Gavin, O.S.A. Enters Eternal Life
St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Jerry Berger, writing in 2000 about a fund raising event for the Outreach Center, observed, “At one point in his career, the Rev. Jack Gavin could make a future judge feel guilty, a pro football player tremble, a top numbers-cruncher forget how to add and subtract, and silver-haired prosecutor stammer.” Father Jack Gavin died this past February and was posthumously honored at the 2014 Augustinian Gala in April. Click here to read more about the life of Father Gavin, and watch his tribute video.
3. Interview with Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Father McCarthy currently serves as the Augustinian Vocations Director, as well as serving as the Chaplain/Chairman of St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago. In this interview regarding the Continuing Our Journey of Faith campaign, Fr. McCarthy discusses his vocation, what others should do to further discern their vocation, and why others should consider supporting the Augustinians' current capital campaign. Listen to this popular interview here on our Continuing Our Journey of Faith website.
2. Father Brecht Enters Eternal Life
Father Brecht was a beloved Augustinian priest who died this past September after fighting a leukemia-like condition since 2012. He served three terms as Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, and was well known particularly for his ministry in Augustinian Education. Named an "Outstanding Educator of America" in 1972, Father Brecht was cited for his contributions to the advancement of higher education and service to the community. He was inducted into the Four Chaplains Legion of Honor in 1980 "in recognition of service to all people regardless of race or faith." Periods of archaeological research on Roman ruins in Tunisia and Algeria, where St. Augustine lived and ministered in the fourth and fifth centuries, gave Father Brecht material for numerous lectures, published papers, and a short documentary on the life and times of Augustine. Click here to learn more about the life of Father Brecht.
1. Pope Francis Appoints Fr. Robert Prevost, O.S.A., Bishop in Peru
On November 3, 2014, the world learned that Pope Francis had named Fr. Robert Prevost, O.S.A., to be the fourth Bishop of Chiclayo in Northern Peru. In the past, Bishop Prevost had served two, six-year terms as Prior General, the worldwide leader of the Augustinian Order. He had also served as the Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians and had been honored at the 2013 Augustinian Inaugural Gala. Bishop Prevost was ordained to the episcopate on December 12, 2014, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Click here to read this release from the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial; and the Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A., Prior General of the Augustinian Order, congratulating Bishop Prevost on his appointment.