Update from Augustinian General Chapter in Rome

Hello all,

Hope you had a nice Labor Day weekend.  It was beautiful weather here in Rome, and I enjoyed a great deal of time on the roof of St. Monica:  resting, doing some computer work, and seeing the Pope from his window across the square.  The Pope's message was a plea for peace.  As war seems to be approaching in Syria, he asked all to pray to Mary, the Queen of Peace.  On Saturday September 7, the eve of her birthday, he will lead a vigil of prayer and fasting for the cause of peace! 

I was also able to visit with Msgr. Peter Wells from the Vatican who is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma.  We had a nice dinner and were able to hear more wonderful stories of Pope Francis!

Yesterday, Fr. Bob Prevost, O.S.A. turned over the seal of his office and has officially concluded his tenure as Prior General.  After Fr. Bob's final comments and turning over of the seal, he received a standing ovation for well over a minute with boisterous applause!  I believe this is a small sign of the love and respect that is in our hearts in thanksgiving for his years of service.

ROME:  Alejandro Moral, O.S.A., Assistant General; Luciano DeMichieli, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of Italy; Thomas McCarthy, O.S.A., Midwest and Eastern United States Provinces Vocations Director

ROME:  Alejandro Moral, O.S.A., Assistant General; Luciano DeMichieli, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of Italy; Thomas McCarthy, O.S.A., Midwest and Eastern United States Provinces Vocations Director

Since it was Labor Day in the United States, all of the Americans went out to dinner as a thank you to Fr. Bob and Fr. Michael DiGregorio, O.S.A. [the Vicar General] for their years of service. This dinner is being hosted by the California Province. 

It is now time for the chapter to pray about the results of the exploration and prepare themselves for the first ballot on Wednesday.

Sincerely in Christ and St. Augustine,

Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A.,Ph.D.

Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians