Fr. Tony Pizzo Names Midwest Province Team Members of OSA Commission for the Synod 2021-2023

December 18, 2021

Dear Brothers,

Blessed Fourth Sunday of Advent! What an encouraging day to both witness and participate in the Priesthood Ordination of our brothers, Jeff Raths and Joe Roccasalva. The positive regard we have received today is the Lord’s gift to us from His People. The mutual love and respect we receive continues to build up our appreciation for the gift of our vocation.

I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your fraternal support. Up until now, I have considered these past 3 and a half years to be the most challenging as a professed and ordained Augustinian of the Province of Our Mother of Good Council. God’s Grace has been operative in all circumstances even in the moments of uncertainty. We rely on that Grace to sustain us toward our future together.

I am grateful to many of you who have taken the time and interest to offer your support by giving advice and who have been open for consultation. We are blessed with a rich gift of collective wisdom in our Province. I am grateful to our brothers in leadership in the other circumscriptions as well who have lent a listening ear and who have offered sound advice.

Thanks to the shared leadership of the Provincial Council, the Provincial team and the Provincial staff who contribute to our Mission overall. We benefit from your willingness to collaborate for the good of the Province and in our apostolic service.

We will intensify our efforts in our preparation toward the Provincial Chapter in June of 2022. We are fortunate to participate in the Church’s synodal process between now and 2023. As per the Order’s commitment to actively participate in this process, and the call of the General Curia to form Synodal Teams in each Circumscription, I am happy to inform you that I have appointed a diverse group of very dedicated people who will represent the Province in this synodal process from different perspectives. They are:

  • Robert Dueweke, OSA (currently associated with the Diocese of Lexington, KY).

  • Bishop Daniel Turley, OSA (in residence and pastorally at St. Rita Parish – Chicago)

  • Ms. Imelda Salazar (Parishioner of SR Parish and lead organizer with Southwest Organizing Project)

  • Frank and Marge Palmasani (associated with Providence Catholic High School)

Please read the attached letter from the Curia that informs us of our participation and task. The overall task calls for a synodal rep from each community of the Province. I feel animated as we move toward our future as a Province, Order and Church. Accompanying one another is an essential and key element in constructing our future. It is my hope that in the spirit of Christ at Emmaus, He will reveal Himself, even more clearly in our Mission, deepen our communion and strengthen our participation together.


Fr. Tony