Happy Easter from the Midwest Augustinians

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Blessed Easter, Felices Pascuas, Buona Pasqua!

Greetings to all…I am Father Tony Pizzo, Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.

This past Lent we were led through a time of conversion and renewal. Our anxious humanity has been led to a burst of creativity, a flash of new hope leading us to this anticipated day of the resurrection,

As we celebrate Easter 2024, I am grateful for the opportunity to share this joyful message of renewal with each of you.

St. Augustine once said: "Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."

These words offer a profound truth. Easter is a time when the world’s believers come together, united in faith, to celebrate Christ’s victory over death, light over darkness, leading us to the heavenly gates where the promise of eternal is open to all.

The physical world may present us with challenges, but in the light of Easter, we remember that our shared belief in the resurrection unites and encourages us all, as agents of hope, to direct our energy to help change a world marred by conflicts and divisions. In light of this reality, Pope Francis says, let us hasten to pursue paths of peace and fraternity…

St. Augustine teaches us that true faith is not just about what we profess, but about how we live our lives in accordance with God's love and grace.

As Easter hope enlightens our hearts, we are given the opportunity to spread the light to those around us. The resurrection of Christ inspires us to embrace new beginnings, to forgive as we are forgiven, and to love as we are loved.

Just as St. Augustine believed, "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” The boundless love of God extends to all we encounter. Therefore, as agents of God’s promise of eternal life, we become beacons of hope, guiding others out of darkness into the hopeful light of Christ's Resurrection.

In closing, may the resurrection power of Christ transform your lives today and always. May the Lord of life, encourage you on your journey and repeat to us all, as he did to the disciples on the evening of Easter: “Peace be with you!.”

Blessings from the Midwest Augustinians.

Mensaje Provincial de Pascua 2024

¡Aleluya! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Blessed Easter, Felices Pascuas, Buona Pasqua!

Saludos a todos, Soy el p adre Tony Pizzo, Prior Provincial de la Provincia Agustina del de Nuestra Madre del Buen Consejo.

En esta Cuaresma fuimos guiados por una etapa de conversión y renovación. Nuestra humanidad ansiosa ha sido conducida hacia un estallido de creatividad, un destello de nueva esperanza que nos lleva a este día tan anticipado de la resurrección.

Mientras celebramos la Pascua de 2024, les agradezco la oportunidad de compartir este alegre mensaje de la renovación espiritual con cada uno de ustedes.

San Agustín dijo una vez: «La fe es creer en lo que no puedes ver; la recompensa de la fe es ver lo que crees».

Estas palabras ofrecen una profundidad. La Pascua es un momento en el que los creyentes del mundo se reúnen, unidos en la fe y en la oracion, para celebrar la victoria de Cristo sobre la muerte, la luz sobre las tinieblas, conduciéndonos a las puertas celestiales donde la promesa de la eternidad está abierta para todos.

El mundo terrenal nos presenta muchos desafíos, pero a la luz de la Pascua, recordamos que nuestra creencia compartida en la resurrección nos une y nos anima a todos, como agentes de esperanza, a dirigir nuestra energía para ayudar a cambiar un mundo marcado por conflictos y divisiones. Ante esta realidad, dice el Papa Francisco, apresurémonos a recorrer caminos de paz y fraternidad…

San Agustin nos enseña que la fe verdadera no se trata solo lo que profesamos, sino de como vivimos nuestras vidas de acuerdo con el amor y la gracia de Dios.

A medida que la esperanza pascual ilumina nuestros corazones, tenemos la oportunidad de difundir la luz a quienes nos rodean. La resurrección de Cristo nos inspira a abarcar nuevos comienzos, a perdonar, así como somos perdonados y a amar como somos amados.

Tal como creía San Agustín, «Dios nos ama a cada uno de nosotros como si fuera uno solo». El amor ilimitado de Dios se extiende a todo los que encontramos, por lo tanto, como agentes de la promesa de a lvida eterna, nos convertimos en faros de esperanza que guiamos a otros fuera de la oscuridad hacia la luz esperanzadora de la resurrección de Cristo.

Que el poder de la resurrección de Cristo transforme sus vidas hoy y siempre. Que el Señor de vida los anime en su camino y nos diga a todos, como lo hizo a los discípulos la tarde de Pascua: «¡La paz esté con Ud!». Bendiciones de parte de los Frailes Agustinos.

Maryellen Harrington Welcomed as Director of Augustinian Lay Engagement for Midwest Augustinians

January 22, 2024 | CHICAGO, IL

The Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel is pleased to announce Maryellen Harrington as the Province’s new Director of Augustinian Lay Engagement, effective today.

This is a new position at the Province, and Maryellen will be responsible for developing new Augustinian evangelization ministries and programming, coordinating outreach efforts across existing ministry sites, and providing engagement opportunities for members of our diverse community.

Maryellen brings over two decades of youth ministry and faith formation experience to this role. She joins the Midwest Augustinians from Old St. Mary’s Parish in the South Loop neighborhood of Chicago where she was a Pastoral Associate / Director of Lifelong Faith Formation. Maryellen holds a Master's in Pastoral Studies from the Catholic Theological Union and is a Lay Ecclesial Minister formed at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL.

“I believe that everyone has a unique contribution to make to our Augustinian community,” said Harrington. “Through collaboration, we can collectively strengthen our bonds of friendship while also encountering Christ. I look forward to building bridges and fostering connections in this role.”

Maryellen starts work at the Province on January 22, 2024, and will work closely with Province Leadership and Staff.

“We’re honored that Maryellen is joining us to take on this new position and create a robust Lay Engagement program for the Province,” said Prior Provincial Fr. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. “Her energy, enthusiasm, and experience are wonderful attributes, and all of the Province staff and leadership are eager to welcome her to the role.”

Please join us in welcoming Maryellen to the Midwest Province and congratulating her. To connect with Maryellen, send her an email at  maryellen@midwestaugustinians.org


Mission Statement

We, the Augustinians of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, are members of the worldwide Order of Saint  Augustine in the Roman Catholic Church. Centered in the Eucharist and prayer, we search for God in community by sharing our lives, goods and spiritual journey with each other and the people of God. In harmony of mind and heart on our journey toward God, our experience of common life flows into and shapes our ministries. We continue to serve the Church in schools, parishes and missions as we seek to discern new paths of service to which God calls us.

Merry Christmas from the Midwest Augustinians

On behalf of the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, it is my honor to wish you Merry Christmas, dear friends. As we gather together in the warmth of this festive season, I am filled with joy and gratitude for the opportunity to share a message of hope and unity with each one of you.

St. Augustine once said, "Unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and in all things, charity."

Let us reflect upon the profound wisdom of these words, words that can guide us during this special time. Christmas is a time when we come together, transcending our differences, to celebrate the birth of Christ – the ultimate representative of love and unity.

The world may present us with challenges, but in the light of Christmas, let us remember that our shared humanity unites us all.

St. Augustine teaches us that true unity comes not from uniformity, but from embracing the diversity that makes us unique individuals, with special gifts to share. It is in our shared values, love, and compassion that we find the essence of Christmas.

As we light our homes and hearts with the glow of Christmas lights, let us also ignite the flame of hope within us. In the midst of uncertainties, let the light of Christ guide us towards a future filled with peace and goodwill.

This Christmas, I pray that we can all be instruments of peace. Just as St. Augustine believed, "Peace is the tranquility of order," let us strive to bring order to our hearts, our homes, and our world. Extend a hand of friendship to those in need, share the warmth of love with those who feel alone, and be the peacemakers that the world so desperately craves.

In closing, I wish you all a Christmas filled with the boundless love of God, the joy of togetherness, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. May the spirit of Christmas dwell in your hearts today and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. God bless you.

En nombre de la Provincia del Medio Oeste de Nuestra Madre del Buen Consejo, es un honor para mí desearles una Feliz Navidad, queridos amigos. Mientras nos reunimos en la calidez de esta temporada festiva, estoy lleno de alegría y gratitud por la oportunidad de compartir un mensaje de esperanza y unidad con cada uno de ustedes.

San Agustín dijo una vez: «En lo esencial, unidad; en lo dudoso, libertad; en todo, caridad».

Reflexionemos sobre la profunda sabiduría de estas palabras, palabras que pueden guiarnos durante este tiempo tan especial. La Navidad es una época en la que nos reunimos, trascendiendo nuestras diferencias, para celebrar el nacimiento de Cristo, el representante máximo del amor y la unidad.

El mundo puede presentarnos desafíos, pero en la luz de la Navidad, recordemos que la humanidad que compartimos nos une a todos.

San Agustín nos enseña que la verdadera unidad no proviene de la uniformidad, sino del abarcar la diversidad que nos convierte en personas únicas, con dones especiales para compartir. La esencia de la Navidad la encontramos en nuestros valores compartidos, el amor y la compasión.

Mientras iluminamos nuestros hogares y corazones con el brillo de las luces navideñas, encendamos también la llama de la esperanza entre nosotros. En medio de las incertidumbres, que la luz de Cristo nos guíe hacia un futuro lleno de paz y buena voluntad.

Esta Navidad, oro para que todos podamos ser instrumentos de paz. Tal como creía San Agustín, «La paz es la tranquilidad del orden». Esforcémonos por poner orden en nuestros corazones, nuestros hogares y nuestro mundo. Extender una mano de amistad a los necesitados, compartir el calor del amor con los que se sienten solos y ser los pacificadores que el mundo tanto anhela.

Para terminar, les deseo a todos una Navidad llena del amor ilimitado de Dios, la alegría de la unión y la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento. Que el espíritu de la Navidad habite hoy en sus corazones y durante todo el año que viene. Feliz Navidad para ustedes y sus seres queridos. Dios los bendiga.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Midwest Augustinians

The Augustinian Friars of the Midwest Province of OMGC wish you all, members of the Augustinian family and friends, a blessed Thanksgiving.

President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official national holiday in the midst of the Civil War, reminding us that we can find things to be thankful for even during the most difficult times. The Civil War was a devasting event in our country, to say the least. As so often happens, however, even in the midst of crisis, God does not overlook the opportunity to extract something good such as breaking down the divide.  Yet many sacrificed their lives on both sides of the war.

We find ourselves in very difficult times with incessant global conflicts.  Even in our own country and city we face dark moments of polarization, violence and crime that unnerve us and threaten our security.  It’s a challenge to be thankful in moments such as these. 

However, our thankfulness is not only based on what we have received but also being thankful for the opportunities we have to contribute toward building a more just and healthy world.  Raising our awareness that we have something to offer, no matter how large or small may be a contribution toward change and transformation.  We can be agents of healing…

The American scholar W.T. Purkiser wrote, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is a true measure of our thanksgiving.”  

A heart filled with gratitude is a generous heart.  It always searches for opportunities to express itself in action.  That’s why the Eucharistic celebration is our Thanksgiving for what God has accomplished in Christ.

The gratitude that we cultivate, this thanks that Christians share with everyone, as Pope Francis says, grows in meeting Jesus in the unexpected people, places and circumstances.

Seemingly, now more than ever we are called to cultivate a culture of gratitude that nourishes hope and increases faith rather than fear.  It is only by God’s mercy and the fullness of redemption that we are able to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and peace. 

We recall the words of St. Augustine:

“O my God, let me remember with gratitude and confess to your mercies toward me.” Let us remember the past with gratitude and may we live the present with enthusiasm and the drive toward change.

On behalf of our Augustinian family we accompany you with our prayerful support.

Thank you brothers and sisters of the Order for walking this journey together.

Mensaje de Acción de Gracias 2023

Los frailes agustinos de la Provincia del Medio Oeste de Nuestra Madre del Buen Consejo les desean a todos, miembros de la familia y amigos agustinos, una bendita acción de gracias.

El presidente Abraham Lincoln hizo del Día de Acción de Gracias un feriado nacional oficial en medio de la Guerra Civil, recordándonos que podemos encontrar cosas por las que estar agradecidos incluso en los momentos más difíciles. La Guerra Civil fue un acontecimiento devastador en nuestro país, por decir algo. Sin embargo, como suele suceder, incluso en medio de una crisis, Dios no pasa por alto la oportunidad de extraer algo bueno, como romper la división. Sin embargo, muchos sacrificaron sus vidas en ambos lados de la guerra.

Nos encontramos en tiempos muy difíciles con conflictos globales incesantes. Incluso en nuestro propio país y ciudad enfrentamos momentos oscuros de polarización, violencia y crimen que nos ponen nerviosos y amenazan nuestra seguridad. Es un desafío estar agradecido en momentos como estos.

Sin embargo, nuestro agradecimiento no solo se basa en lo que hemos recibido sino también en agradecer las oportunidades que tenemos para contribuir a la construcción de un mundo más justo y saludable. Aumentar nuestra conciencia de que tenemos algo que ofrecer, sin importar cuán grande o pequeño sea, puede ser una contribución al cambio y la transformación. Podemos ser agentes de curación...

El erudito estadounidense W.T. Purkiser escribió: «No es lo que decimos sobre nuestras bendiciones, sino cómo las usamos, es la verdadera medida de nuestra acción de gracias».

Un corazón lleno de gratitud es un corazón generoso. Siempre busca oportunidades para expresarse en acción. Por eso la celebración eucarística es nuestra acción de gracias por lo que Dios ha logrado en Cristo.

La gratitud que cultivamos, este agradecimiento que los cristianos compartimos con todos, como dice el papa Francisco, crece al encontrar a Jesús en personas, lugares y circunstancias inesperadas.

Al parecer, ahora más que nunca estamos llamados a cultivar una cultura de gratitud que alimente la esperanza y aumente la fe en lugar del miedo. Sólo por la misericordia de Dios y la plenitud de la redención podemos crear una atmósfera de respeto mutuo y paz.

Recordamos las palabras de San Agustín:

«Oh Dios mío, déjame recordar con gratitud y confesar tus misericordias para conmigo». Recordemos el pasado con gratitud y vivamos el presente con entusiasmo impulsando hacia el cambio.

En nombre de nuestra familia agustiniana los acompañamos con nuestro apoyo de oración.

Gracias hermanos y hermanas de la Orden por recorrer juntos este camino.

St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home

CHICAGO, IL | November 7, 2023

The Midwest Augustinians are proud to announce our affiliation with the St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home in King Township, Ontario, Canada.

Caring for each according to their need is a core aspect of the Rule of St. Augustine, the guidelines that structure the life of Augustinians around the world. As the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, it is our mission to search for God in community by sharing our lives, goods, and spiritual journey with each other and the people of God, serving on pathways of service to which God calls us.

The St. Rita at Marylake Care Home will be one of those pathways that will enable us to continue our ministry to God’s people. The home will be built on our Augustinian campus at Marylake, which currently includes the Marylake shrine, Rosary Path, monastery, Villanova College, and 800 acres of grounds for reflection, retreat, and enjoyment. The facility, like most long-term care facilities in Ontario, will be financially supported by the Provincial Government of Ontario, and our Augustinian Friars and lay people will spiritually support those who will call St. Rita at Marylake their home.

King Township is one of the most underserved areas in Ontario for long-term care, with only 36 current beds available to its population of 27,300 residents. The completion of the St. Rita at Marylake home will add another 160 new beds to the township’s capability to provide care to the elderly in the community.

This new home will serve as a critical place of rest and care for the elderly of King Township, where we will bring our Augustinian charisms to the care provided to the residents, each according to their need.

For more information about the St. Rita at Marylake Long-Term Care Home, and to stay up to date with the project, please visit https://www.stritaatmarylake.com/

Synodal Prayer

Synodal Prayer


We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.

With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;

Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.

We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.

Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.

Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.

All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.


A New Augustinian Cardinal

Celebrating Cardinal Robert Prevost, O.S.A.

On Saturday, September 30th, Archbishop Robert Prevost, O.S.A., become a Cardinal during the Vatican Consistory.

Cardinal Prevost gave a speech to Pope Francis on behalf of the other Cardinals-Elect at the beginning of the ceremony. After a reading from the Acts of the Apostles and a homily by Pope Francis, he and the other Cardinals-Elect made a profession of faith and oath of fidelity. Following this, they each received their biretta, ring, and titular Roman church. For his titular church, Cardinal Prevost was named Cardinal-Deacon of the Church of St. Monica.

Congratulations, Cardinal Prevost! We will keep you in our prayers, and we thank you for serving our worldwide Church in this new role!

 Please join us in congratulating Cardinal Prevost and in praying for him in his new role.

From the Provincial: Have a Blessed Feast of St. Augustine




Saint Augustine is a champion of restless hearts who yearn to know life in Christ. His past did not disqualify him from the love of God; it won’t disqualify any of us as we turn to Him. Saint Augustine is the great witness of hope for us all.  

- Archbishop Paul S. Coakley

As we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Augustine 2023, we are offered the opportunity, once again, of offering our attention to a pastoral leader who identifies with the “restlessness of the human heart.”

St. Augustine, as a leader, discovered that the longest distance between two points was the intellect and the heart. In his personal journey toward Truth, he absorbed his experiences along the way to be able to articulate, in human terms, the search toward Truth by accepting himself as fractured and in need of Christ’s grace and redemption.

Today, our world is fractured due to threats of violence, racial and political polarity, displacement of people, economic injustice and the volatility of the natural environment. All which contribute to an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear.

In his last years, Augustine’s world was crumbling around him due to political instability as well. Yet, he never lost sight that the created world, in its natural order of beauty, remained under the watchful eye of the Creator.

This element of hope may not be enough to stabilize the world as it should be, however, each of us have the ability, the intellect and the heart, to contribute toward the common good as Augustine challenges us to do so, even 1600 years later. The pastoral vision of Pope Francis embodies this hope and supports our journey together as we move forward to our future in a spirit of synodality.

--Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A.

Prior Provincial


San Agustín es un campeón de los corazones inquietos que anhelan conocer la vida en Cristo. Su pasado no lo descalificó para el amor de Dios; no nos descalificará a ninguno de nosotros cuando recurramos a Él. San Agustín es el gran testigo de la esperanza para todos nosotros.

- Arzobispo Paul S. Coakley

Al celebrar este año la Solemnidad de San Agustín, se nos ofrece la oportunidad, una vez más, de ofrecer nuestra atención a un líder pastoral que se identifica con la “inquietud del corazón humano”.

San Agustín, como líder, descubrió que la distancia más larga entre dos puntos era el intelecto y el corazón. En su camino personal hacia la Verdad, absorbió sus experiencias a lo largo del camino para poder articular, en términos humanos, la búsqueda hacia la Verdad, aceptándose a sí mismo como hombre fracturado espiritual y necesitado de la gracia y la redención de Cristo.

Hoy, nuestro mundo está fracturado debido a las amenazas de violencia, la polaridad racial y política, el desplazamiento de personas, la injusticia económica y la volatilidad del medio ambiente natural. Todo lo cual contribuye a una atmósfera de incertidumbre y miedo.

En sus últimos años, el mundo de Agustín se estaba desmoronando a su alrededor debido también a la inestabilidad política. Sin embargo, nunca perdió de vista que el mundo creado, en su orden natural de belleza, permanecía bajo la atenta mirada del Creador.

Este elemento de esperanza puede no ser suficiente para estabilizar el mundo como debería ser; sin embargo, cada uno de nosotros tiene la capacidad, el intelecto y el corazón, de contribuir al bien común, como Agustín nos desafía a hacerlo, incluso 1600 años después. La visión pastoral del Papa Francisco encarna esta esperanza y apoya nuestro acompañamiento mutuo hacia nuestro futuro en el espíritu de sinodalidad.

--Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A.

Prior Provincial